Property Damage
Many homeowners in Florida, whether required by law or because they consider it safe practice, carry Homeowners Insurance. Often times however, homeowners aren’t able to interpret their policies because Insurance Carriers have written the policies in such a way that make them difficult for Homeowners to understand. If your property has sustained damage from an accident or some cause that is outside of your control, it is likely covered under your homeowner’s insurance policy.
Experienced Property Damage Litigation Attorney
Homeowners Insurance Policies Insure your home against damage from a wide array of causations. Notably, Homeowners Insurance Policies insure against damage resulting from Hurricane, Wind Storm, Hail Storm, Fire, Lightning, Smoke, Vandalism or Theft, Falling Objects, Sudden and Accidental Water Damage, and Collapse. They also contain additional provisions insuring against “fungi” or mold accumulation, replacement of personal property, debris removal, and reimbursement for mitigation of damages that have already arose. However, despite the fact that your property is insured, it is common practice for insurance carriers deny or underpay your claim. If your property has been damaged from any of the following Items, it is important for you to speak to an attorney to determine if your damage is a covered loss under your policy.Many policies contain a separate and larger deductible for hurricane damage. This is because Hurricane damage can be more extensive.
Generally speaking, houses protect us from the elements but that doesn’t mean they are immune to the elements. Wind storms can cause a wide array of damages including soffit damage, gutter damage, roof damage, and damage from flying objects.
Hail stones are formed when raindrops are carried upward by updrafts in extremely cold areas of the atmosphere causing the water to freeze. Then gravity takes over. Hail can not only damage your roof causing the intrusion of water into your home, but it can also damage personal property such as cars or items located on your property.
Plumbing systems are elaborate systems of water pipes that run throughout your house. These plumbing systems provide water to your kitchen, bathrooms, washrooms, and other areas of your home that require running water. Not only are large amounts of water difficult to clean up, but water also causes problems such as staining, mold growth, and cosmetic damage to items such as flooring and cabinetry.
God forbid your home is damaged by fire, but in the event that it is, this is a covered peril under your Homeowners Insurance Policy.
Unfortunately, we don’t live in a perfect world. Vandalism and acts of theft do occur. Often times when they do, the can leave not only your property gone but your home damaged as well.
Mold is a fungus, which results from the perfect combination of water, oxygen, and air temperature. Not only is it unsightly, but it can smell bad and cause health problems. It is important to keep your home mold free.
It’s not every day that your house collapses, but it does happen. Commonly collapse occurs as a result of a sinkhole, but it can also result from Tornados. Houses along the coast are susceptible to collapse as well, often times a result of high tides and fast moving currents caused by Hurricanes.